All In One Cleaning Solution | Bio-Enzyme Multipurpose Cleaner - Satvic Lifestyle
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All In One Cleaning Solution | Bio-Enzyme Multipurpose Cleaner

satopradhan non toxic chemical free herbal bio enzyme based all purpose cleaner

Keeping your home clean and healthy can be daunting. With so many different surfaces and types of dirt, it can be overwhelming to figure out which cleaning products to use. A multi-purpose cleaner can simplify your cleaning routine and save money. But not all multi-purpose cleaners are created equal. Some contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to you and the environment.

That’s why we love natural multi-purpose cleaners. These cleaners are safe for children and pets because they contain natural ingredients. And it’s highly effective, too. Its gentle formula works on different dirt and surfaces around the house, including countertops, floors, and walls. Natural ingredients give a fresh scent that leaves your home clean and fresh! In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of using natural cleaning products and share how switching to natural surface cleaners made a difference in one family’s life

The Magic of Natural Cleaners

use eco friendly, chemical free cleaners to make your health and environment better

Using natural cleaning products offers a variety of benefits. Here are just a few:

Better for Your Health

Harsh chemicals in conventional cleaning products can cause skin irritation, respiratory problems, and hormone disruption. Switching to natural cleaning products can reduce exposure to these harmful chemicals and promote a healthier home environment. Natural cleaners offer a refreshing, natural scent you’ll love!

chemical based cleaning products many healthy problems whereas natural cleaners are safe for both health and environment

Better for the Environment

Conventional cleaning products often contain harmful chemicals that can pollute the air and water, harm wildlife, and contribute to climate change. Natural cleaning products are made with environmentally-friendly ingredients and are often biodegradable. Switch to natural cleaning products – don’t let harmful chemicals take over our planet!

chemical based cleaners pollute the air and harm the wildlife whereas natural cleaners didn't release any sort of harmful gases.

More Cost-Effective

While natural cleaning products may have a higher upfront cost than conventional cleaners, they are often more cost-effective in the long run. This is because they can be used for multiple cleaning tasks and last longer than their chemical-laden counterparts. A cleaner home is just a spray away – and with natural products, you can feel good about what you’re using!

eco friendly, bio enzyme based cleaners are cost effective as compared to chemical based in the long run

A Story of Switching to Natural Cleaners

The Singh family had always prided themselves on their dedication to a healthy lifestyle and environmental commitment. They took great care in what they ate, exercised regularly, and cherished the quality time spent together. They recycled diligently and made conscious efforts to reduce their plastic consumption. However, one aspect they had unintentionally overlooked was the impact of their cleaning products on their well-being and the world around them.

One day, as Mrs. Singh diligently wiped down the kitchen countertops with her usual surface cleaner, something unexpected happened. Coughing fits overtook her, and her eyes welled up with tears. It became painfully evident that the fumes from the cleaning product were doing more harm than good. It was a wake-up call that shook Mrs. Singh to her core, prompting her to question the ingredients lurking within the cleaning products she had blindly trusted for years.

a lady is coughing and sneezing by using chemical based cleaners

Determined to make a change, Mrs. Singh delved into the world of natural cleaning products.  It was during her research that she stumbled upon the remarkable Bio Enzyme Cleaners Intrigued and hopeful, she decided to give it a try.

As she unscrewed the cap, a delightful floral scent wafted through the air. Unlike the harsh, chemical-laden odors of her previous cleaning products, this natural cleaner exuded a refreshing and inviting fragrance. Diluting the cleaner with water, she proceeded to test it on various surfaces. The results were astounding – the grime effortlessly dissolved under the power of this environmentally friendly solution.

satopradhan bio enzyme based natural claners has a natural fragrance which didn't harm environment and respiratory system

As the Singh family continued to use the natural cleaner, they noticed a remarkable transformation in the very air they breathed. Their home felt purer and fresher, devoid of the lingering toxins that had once infiltrated their living space. They also appreciated the peace of mind that came with knowing they were using a better product for their health and the environment.

The Singh family’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of conscious consumer choices. By embracing eco-friendly cleaning solutions, we not only enhance our well-being but also contribute to a cleaner and greener planet. Making a switch to natural cleaners is a simple yet impactful step that anyone can take towards creating a healthier home environment.

So, join the Singh family and countless others in their commitment to a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable future. Choose fume-free and natural surface cleaners and witness the positive transformation it brings to your home and the world. Together, we can make a difference, one cleaning routine at a time.

How do you make a natural all-purpose cleaner at home?

Bio-enzyme-based natural cleaner made from a simple fermentation process of any flower petals, jaggery and water. You can also make bio-enzyme-based cleaners with fruit or vegetable peels at home and use them as a natural all-purpose cleaner. Please read our blog to learn how to prepare them at home. It will take around three months to get them ready: “All About Bio Enzymes”

make bio enzyme based natural dishwashing liquid at home

To learn how to make & use bio enzymes at home, please watch our video:

If it’s not possible for you to make it at home, you can also get the Rose Enzyme Based “Satopradhan Multipurpose Cleaner” from our online store


Cleaning can be a chore, but it mustn’t be dangerous! Say goodbye to the days of harsh chemicals and rubber gloves that make you feel like a science experiment gone wrong. With natural cleaning products, you can clean your home safely. The refreshing scents of a natural cleaner will also make you want to do a little happy dance while cleaning. So go ahead, bust out those dance moves and let this one natural cleaning product bring a little joy to your cleaning routine. 

From kitchen counters to bathroom sinks, an all-purpose natural cleaner can tackle it all – saving you time, money, and hassle in the long run. Many people hesitate to switch, fearing that a natural cleaner won’t be effective. But, as the Singh family discovered, an all-purpose natural cleaner may be gentle, but it is packed with a powerful punch when cleaning up . With natural cleaning products, you can clean with peace of mind, knowing you’re doing your part to protect your family and the environment. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try and see the difference for yourself. Your home and the planet will thank you.

Make your Home Chemical Free Today!!

Organic No Coffee Powder

A perfect substitute for Caffeinated Coffee that resembles any other coffee in Taste and aroma.

Sprouts & Microgreens

Grow the most nutritious living food – Sprouts and microgreens – within your kitchen using our premium organic desi seeds and essential tools!

Natural Laundry Liquid

Natural & organic laundry liquid detergent is made from the simple fermentation process to help remove tough stains from clothes & make them softer and long-lasting.

Natural Dishwashing Liquid

Enriched with good microbes derived from citric fruit peels, a bio enzyme cleaner saves you from the long-term harm of chemical cleaners & helps rejuvenate the planet

Natural Floor Cleaner

Enriched with good microbes, the bio enzyme cleaner keeps your floors clean without emitting toxic fumes.

Natural Toilet Cleaner

A safer & biodegradable toilet cleaner, rich in beneficial microbes that help break down all types of stubborn stains & provide long-lasting odour reduction.

Natural Laundry Liquid

Enriched with good microbes derived from rose petals, the All-Purpose bio cleaner helps reduce the concentration of VOCs indoors, protects from long-term harm of toxic fumes & rejuvenates the planet!

Natural Fruit & Veggie Wash

Enriched with good microbes derived from tulsi & moringa leaves, it is ideal for removing harmful bacteria & residual pesticides from within the flesh of fruits/vegetables & helps revive their original flavor.