How To Grow Wheatgrass At Home in 6 Steps (with pictures)
  1. Kitchen Gardening

How to Grow Wheatgrass at Home | Benefits of Drinking Wheatgrass Juice

how to grow wheatgrass at home

Do you Know About the Healing Power of Grasses?

Have you ever thought about eating grass?? 

Vast areas of the earth are covered by grass. We walk over it, lie down on it, mow it sometimes but eat it? 

The thought itself seems absurd, right

But you will be surprised to know that grasses have been used for healing around the world since ancient times. Especially during the war times, some of them were used to heal the injuries of the soldiers. It helped staunch bleeding & heal wounds due to its antiseptic properties and Wheatgrass proved to be the fastest & easiest variety to grow among all the beneficial grasses. So, learning how to grow wheatgrass seeds at home is the first step towards your healing journey.

Why need to add Wheatgrass in your diet?

  1. If you are drained of your energy by the end of a day, even though you have a sedentary lifestyle and get enough sleep 
  2. If you wake up feeling as tired as when you went to bed 
  3. If you are suffering from fatigue, sinusitis, ulcers, or a more severe illness like cancer, you are most probably not getting what your body needs from your diet or getting too many things you don’t need & they are blocking your flow of energy.

For any of the above listed symptoms, Wheatgrass is the Solution!
You definitely need to have a good diet, exercise, and a positive attitude to keep you healthy, but Wheatgrass can help you gain better control of your health. Living foods like Wheatgrass, sproutsmicrogreens, nuts, seeds & leafy greens can help restore energy & life to your body!

Amazing Health Benefits of Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass helps increase your energy

High Energy Levels

Wheatgrass helps increase your energy in two ways.

  • By fulfilling the nutritional deficiencies in your body
  • By removing impurities and stored toxins that clog your blood, cells, tissues, & organs. The waste removal function of wheatgrass help saves the body’s energy which would otherwise have been a struggle for the body to cleanse.

The waste removal function of wheatgrass help saves the body’s energy which would otherwise have been a struggle for the body to cleanse.

Wheatgrass & other live foods help reduce your sleep time while making its the quality better.

Sound Sleep

Most of our body’s cells are re-energized during sleep. Wheatgrass & other live foods help reduce your sleep time while making its the quality better. The more heavy and cooked food you consume, the more restless & disturbed your sleep will be. At the same time, light food will give your body plenty of time to renew itself and help you get a deep sleep.

wheatgrass juice and other raw foods can help ward off infection and diseases.

Boosts Immune System

The immune system determines the body’s ability to fight illness. By improving the immune system’s health with strengthening the immune system, wheatgrass juice and other raw foods can help ward off infection and diseases.

consumption of oxygen-rich chlorophyll in Wheatgrass helps deactivate the cancer cells by oxygenating the cells

Cancer Prevention

Since cancer cells require oxygen-deprived cells to spread, consumption of oxygen-rich chlorophyll in Wheatgrass helps deactivate the cancer cells by oxygenating the cells. Many other anti-cancer compounds like abscisic acid & laetrile are also found in it.

hlorophyll helps protect the body from carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) and is an excellent blood cleanser.

Best Source of Living Chlorophyll

Of all the valuable compounds in Wheatgrass, chlorophyll is the most important. The most concentrated form of sun power transfers the sun’s life force to your body. Chlorophyll helps protect the body from carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) and is an excellent blood cleanser.

Protection from Pollution & Harmful Radiations

Protection from Pollution & Harmful Radiations

Consumption of healthy food and internal cleansing of the body is your choice and in your control. But what about the external factors affecting your health that are not in your control? 
The polluted air that is unfit to breathe, the acidic and polluted water & the nutritionally
deficient topsoil in which you grow your food. 
How will you protect yourself from them? 
Wheatgrass will help you here too:)

With fewer heavy foods in the diet, we can increase the amount of oxygen in the blood and ease the burden on the circulatory system. Then pollution will affect us less severely.

How to Grow Wheatgrass at home?

Supplies Needed

  • A well-lit location (with indirect bright sunlight)
  • Organic Wheatgrass seeds
  • Microgreen Growing Trays (preferably a bottom watering set of trays)
  • Cocopeat or any other good soilless potting medium

Apart from these, you may need a wide-mouthed jar to soak & sprout the seeds, water, and a little patience:)

Growing Wheatgrass

Take around 50-60 grams of wheatgrass seeds

Take Wheatgrass Seeds

Take around 50-60 grams of wheatgrass seeds and rinse them to remove any dust. Now soak the seeds in water & let them sit overnight (8-12 hours). The following day, drain the water & let the seeds sprout in a jar at a 45-degree angle or in a muslin cloth for another 12 hours.

Now take a tray with drainage holes and place it in another tray without holes. Fill it smoothly and evenly with organic cocopeat mix.

Take a Tray with Drainage Holes

Now take a tray with drainage holes and place it in another tray without holes. Fill it smoothly and evenly with organic cocopeat mix.

Charge the sprouted seeds with Supreme Soul’s loveful and pure vibrations

Charge the Sprouted Seeds

Charge the sprouted seeds with Supreme Soul’s loveful and pure vibrations and spread them evenly in the tray. Make sure the seeds don’t overlap each other.

Sprinkle the tray with water making it damp (not swampy) & cover it with another tray & keep it aside for two days. Keep checking the tray 2-3 times a day during summers.

Sprinkle the Water

Sprinkle the tray with water making it damp (not swampy) & cover it with another tray & keep it aside for two days. Keep checking the tray 2-3 times a day during summers. If the topsoil seems dry, sprinkle a little water over it.

Note: The second tray used as a cover creates a mini-ecosystem (i.e., darkness, moisture, and warmth) that duplicates the conditions the seeds would normally grow outdoors.

After two days, remove the cover and place the tray in a well-lit location near a window, fill it with water allowing the soil and roots to soak the water from the bottom up.

Place the Tray in a Well-Lit Location

After two days, remove the cover and place the tray in a well-lit location near a window, where it gets bright indirect sunlight & start bottom watering it. To bottom water the microgreens, keep the tray with no holes underneath the microgreens tray and fill it with water allowing the soil and roots to soak the water from the bottom up.

After 5-6 days, your grass will be 7″ tall and ready to harvest. To harvest, cut it as close to the roots as possible

Harvest the Grass

After 5-6 days, your grass will be 7″ tall and ready to harvest. To harvest, cut it as close to the roots as possible because many nutrients are concentrated close to the soil. You can store it in a refrigerator for up to 7 days.

Note: Do not rinse the grass if you are going to store it for use as the water speeds up its decomposition.

Wheatgrass Juice Recipe?

After learning how to grow wheatgrass at home, you must be curious to know the ways to incorporate it into your daily diet to derive its benefits Since Wheatgrass is so fibrous, it’s best to consume it as a juice. The quantity of juice obtained mostly depends on the length of the grass and its moisture content. You can use an electric juicer or a grinder to juice it. 

In your juicer, cut a bunch of grass, tip it down into the hole of the juicer & juice it. You can run the pulp twice or thrice through the juicer to get the maximum juice possible from it.

If using a grinder, put the cut grass in the grinder, add a little water, and blend. Squeeze the mashed pulp through a cheesecloth or a nut milk bag to extract the juice. Use and juice the Wheatgrass immediately after you cut it.

Important Points to Remember

  • Consume the juice within 20 minutes; after that, it starts to go bad and will be completely spoiled in 12 hours. 
  • Have it always empty stomach or nearly empty stomach
  • Slowly sip the small quantities of juice to get used to its taste and effect
  • Take a day off from drinking it once in a while; this rest period will enable your body to readjust to the changes it has made, making the juice even more effective the next day.
  • For maximum benefit of its enzyme life forces, juice the Wheatgrass immediately after you cut it and drink or use it right after you juice it.
  • For beginners, it is recommended to consume 30 ml juice empty stomach in the morning and 30 ml any other time of the day when your stomach is nearly empty (like early afternoon).

Who can Benefit from Using Wheatgrass?

Anyone can benefit from it. If you are overweight or underweight, suffering from anemia or any other acute disease, or are afraid of some chronic or destructive diseases like cancer, Wheatgrass can help!

Best Way to Include Wheatgrass in Your Diet

It is recommended to use fresh Wheatgrass instead of dehydrated or tablet forms. The tablets and other wheatgrass supplements are rich in dietary fiber, but they are less potent as compared to fresh wheatgrass juice. So, it’s best to consume it fresh as a juice. 

Other Uses of Wheatgrass

Effective Mouthwash

Chew or gargle it to freshen stale breath or to relieve tooth decay.
It helps reduce inflammation and pain in teeth and gums. Gently chew it on a regular basis to boost dental health.

When applied to the skin, it helps

  • Reduce itchiness
  • Soothe Sunburn
  • Tighten loose and sagging skin
  • Heal cuts, burns, rashes, athlete’s foot, insect bites, ulcers & more

When applied to hair, it helps

  • Mend damaged hair
  • Alleviate itchy & scaly scalp or any other irritation

Use on the scalp before shampoo. Leave it on the scalp for a couple of hours before washing it off.

Use As a Sleep Aid

Place a tray of living wheatgrass near the head of your bed to enhance the oxygen in the air and generate helpful negative ions to help you sleep more soundly.


The best form of protection you can have against various illnesses is a stronger and healthier body. We can gain more control over our diets by making simple & small changes like growing these inexpensive and easy-to-grow foods on our own. Adding living foods like Wheatgrass, sprouts, microgreens, salad greens, and fresh raw vegetables to your diet can help you regain your confidence & make you feel more alive, and one day will help you wake up clean and clear inside, relaxed with peace of mind:)

So hurry up, get your supplies & start growing this highly detoxifying & oxygenating superfood at home!

Grow Fresh at your Home with Satopradhan DIY Kit

satopradhan wheatgrass growing diy kit

Wheatgrass Growing DIY Kit

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